The Friends of the Aurora Public Library held their Annual Meeting on January 23, 2017. Highlights of 2016 were discussed and volunteers in attendance were thanked for their dedication and commitment to the Friends. The minutes of the meeting, which will be formally approved at the next Annual Meeting in January, 2018, are shown here for your reading pleasure.
Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Aurora Public Library
Monday, January 23, 2017
Small Community Room, Central Library
14949 E. Alameda Pkwy, Aurora, CO 80012
Call to Order
President Lacy called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and the members of the board were introduced.
Elsie Lacy, Diane Danielson, Debbie Darol McCrossen, Royal Maxwell, David Origlio, Don Cook, Ruth Martin, Steve Wasiecko, Kathy Turner, Maisie C. Livengood, Keith McGechie, Kathy Forsman, Carol Grams, Carolyn Arterburn, Anna Milligan, Jackie Pritts, Gail Arnert, Barbara Loustalet, Joyce Keegan, La Verna Pierce-Sierra, Linda Roberts, Karen Spence, Mary Anne McDaniel, Fran Cohen, Patti Bateman, Barbara Vet
The minutes from the 2016 Annual Meeting were approved.
2016 Total Income: $98801.20 Expenses: $54397.88 Profit: $44403.32
Royal reported that 2016 was a good business year for the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. This included over $3100 that was raised on Colorado Gives Day–a record! Internet sales by Don totaled $6048, with $1742 paid in commission.
Board elections included renewed terms of two years for Don Cook, as Vice President, and Royal Maxwell, as Treasurer. Both ran, unopposed, and were reelected by acclamation.
Elsie spoke of several highlights of 2016, including the new system of utilizing Shift Leaders in the absence of a Store Manager. When the last Store Manager quit, over a year ago, Kathy Turner suggested having Shift Leaders oversee the day-to-day business until a permanent manager could be found. The system has been successful, and now includes 7 Shift Leaders (Jackie, Gail, Anna, Dan, Linda, Ruth and Debbie), who meet with Elsie each month, sharing problems and suggestions.
Despite setbacks that included illnesses, surgeries and the loss of Betty Jean Bahr and Lorraine Wilcox, the FAPL store had a remarkable year. Volunteers were commended in their efforts because there would be no store without them.
The Friends of the Aurora Public Library was incorporated in 1987, and in 29 years of operation has donated a total of $844,309 to the library!
With money donated to the Betty Jean Bahr Memorial Fund, new items were purchased for the back room, where Betty Jean worked. They included a new table, microwave and laser printer.
The store had three member sales in 2016 and a successful year for Amazon book sales, thanks to Don’s efforts in selling books worth over $25.
Elsie individually thanked each attending volunteer and goodie bags, put together by Kathy Turner and Kathy Forsman, were distributed. Elsie spoke of the constant praise she hears from customers, regarding the volunteers. FAPL presently has 42 volunteers and one 16 year old student intern. Rivka started her internship, for a school project, in October, and has proven to be an enthusiastic worker and quick learner.
After a brief question and answer period, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.
Refreshments were served immediately following the meeting.
Minutes submitted by Diane Danielson, Secretary
The Mission of the Friends of the Aurora Public Library is to support the ongoing programs and services of the Aurora Public Library with financial donations, and to celebrate the lifetime joys of reading by offering a wide variety of low cost books and other media in a vibrant, well organized atmosphere. The Friends provide knowledgeable, caring volunteers to assist customers.