The Annual Meeting is Coming!!

Happy New Year!!  We know we were all ready to say good-bye to 2020, and now we look ahead to a happy and healthy 2021.

The FAPL Annual Meeting will be held on February 1st, at 1:30pm.  We will meet by WebEx, through the City of Aurora.  A link will be sent to your email address a week before, with a detailed agenda and other attachments.  It is a very easy link up, with a single click.  We apologize to anyone who isn’t comfortable with this type of a meeting, but it is our only option at this point.  The agenda will include a year-end review of events and finances, a report from the Aurora Library and Cultural Services department, as well as our election of officers.  Open officer positions are President (one-year term); Vice President (two-year term); and Treasurer (two-year term).  Please contact the Nominating Committee (contact information below) if you are interested in any of these positions.  Please consider donating your time and talent to your favorite bookstore by joining our Board of Directors! We will reopen the Book Outlet on Wednesday, January 6th.  We will be open the following times going forward:  Wednesdays, 10am-6pm;  Fridays, 10am-8pm;  Saturdays, 10am-4pm.  Please monitor our website at [,], or our FaceBook page at Friends of the Aurora Public Library Book Outlet, or call 720-747-7977  for updates about hours and what is on sale for the month!

Thank you for your continued support of Friends Book Outlet.  We look forward to “seeing” you at the Annual Meeting on February 1st.  We need a quorum to conduct our important business that day; please plan to attend.


Pat Garvais, President    [email protected]

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